Here is a step-by-step tutorial for creating a new stat. 
Click on the images next to the steps to enlarge the examples.

1.Sign in to your UseMyStats account.

2.From the top menu, click 'More' and select 'Statistics'.

3.Click the button near the top left of the page 'Add Stat'.

Name and Setup Your Stat

1.Under the field 'Stat Name', type in the name of your stat.

2.Next, click the drop-down menu under 'Time Period'. This will set how often you will enter values for the stat.

For instance, if you're creating a sales stat and want to monitor on a weekly basis, you'll select 'Weekly'.

3.The next field is '# of Decimals'. Here you can modify the sort of number you'll be entering, e.g. Currency, percentages, etc. 

If you're not sure or will be alternating between numbers with and without decimals, leave this section as it is.

4.The final field is 'Any Extra Symbols Around Values?'. Use this if you need to add any symbols before or after the values. 

You may leave this field blank if it's not relevant to the stat. 

5.Now click the button 'Save and Enter Values'.

Enter Values

1.Under the column 'New Value', enter your number(s) that corresponds to the correct date(s).

Note: If you don't see the dates you need to enter for, go up to the top right of the page and find the field 'Show Up To' and edit the date here. Then click the button 'Change Date'.

2.The next column you can enter into is called 'Quotas'.

A quota is a goal in the form of a number or amount.

For example, if you're creating a diet stat and let's say you need to eat 7 donuts a week, you would enter the number 7 down the entire column.

Entering quotas allows you to view a comparison of what's needed vs. what's actually happening.

Note: If you don't need to enter quotas, go ahead and skip to step 4. 

3.And lastly there is the column 'Notes'. This is an excellent tool to explain any extreme highs or lows in the values. 

Go ahead click and type into the the field you need to make a note for the corresponding date and value.

Note: If you don't need to enter notes, go ahead and skip to step 4.

4.Scroll down (if necessary) and click the button 'Save and Graph'.

Graphing Your Stat

Congratulations!!! You've graphed your stat!

In this section, we'll go over the basic graph settings you can use to adjust or alter how you view your stat.

If you look to the right of your graph, you'll see some buttons on top and just below that, a control panel. The following is a quick overview of each item and their functions.

The Buttons

Clicking this will update your graph with any changes you made within the control panel.

Clicking the left arrow will change the graph to display the previous stat.
Clicking the right arrow will display the next stat. 

All stats are listed alphabetically with the exception of Groups you've created where you have placed them in a custom order.

This will print the stat you're viewing. Click then follow the prompts.

Clicking this will print all of the stats contained in the 'Group' you have selected.

The Control Panel


The 'Group' drop-down menu will contain any groups you've created or existing stats grouped by time period (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly). 

It's function in the control panel is to help anyone that may have several stats and need to narrow them down in the next drop-down menu under 'Stat'. You'll use this only when you need to change the stat you'd like to view.

If you don't have many stats, keep this set to 'All'.

To learn more about creating and using Groups in UseMyStats click here

StatThe 'Stat' drop-down menu enables you to change the stat your viewing on a graph.

You will also see a next to the stat name you're currently on. Clicking this will take you to the page where you named and setup your stat to make any changes needed. Note: You cannot change the 'Time Period' of a stat already created in this section. 

Time PeriodThe 'Time Period' drop-down menu allows you to change the graph to display your stats in different time intervals.

For instance, if you have a weekly stat and want to instead view it monthly, select 'Monthly' from the drop-down menu.

If you don't need to change this, keep it selected as 'Automatic' (the time period the stat was originally set up as).

Note: If the stat was originally setup as a monthly stat, you cannot then view it as a weekly stat as the values per week are not in our system. 

Date RangeThe 'Date Range' drop-down menu allows you to change the dates and their values displayed on the graph.

For instance, if you need to see your stat graphed from June 7, 2019 - July 26, 2019, you'd select 'Custom' from the drop-down menu then select your dates from the calendar icons below. However, if you just want to see the current year, you can select 'Current Year' and you're done.

ScaleYou'll see 'Scale' just under the date range, this sets the lowest and highest values for each stat. You can go ahead and leave these fields blank for now (this allows the application to automatically scale the graph for you), you can come back and modify if needed. 

Checking the box 'For Everyone' changes the scale for the stat your own for anyone that has access to the stat.

Checkboxes (located at the bottom of the Control Panel):

LabelsChecking the 'Labels' box displays the values for each corresponding date on your stat graph.

QuotasChecking the 'Quotas' box displays a dashed red line for your quota values should you decide to enter them. 

NotesChecking the 'Notes' box will display a large circle over a point in your graph indicating a note is available to view. Hovering over this will display the note, date and value.

Notes will be listed below the graph as well.

AccumulatingChecking the 'Accumulating' box will change the line on your graph into one that adds each value to the last.

Please see the example image to the right.

If you're not sure if you need this, go ahead and leave it unchecked.

The legend will tell you which color and line style which line should you have more than one.

Overlay Previous
Graph Period
Checking this will add an additional line with the stats for the amount of time you currently have in your date range, but prior. 

For example, if you selected 'Last Month' from the 'Date Range' drop-down menu, 'Overlaying the Previous Graph Period' will add a dotted green line of values for the month prior to that (if you have values entered for those dates).

Prior Year
Checking this will add a line for the year prior if you have 'Current Year' or 'Previous Year' selected from your 'Date Range' drop-down menu.

Checking this when you have an Overlay applied to your graph will add an additional purple line showing the percentage of increase or decrease between periods.

Flip GraphChecking 'Flip Graph?' literally means it will flip it upside down.

Basically this makes the scale flip upside down so the lowest value will now be on top and the highest value will be on the bottom. You'll notice this on the left axis.

Landscape /
Toggling between this will change the orientation of how you're viewing the graph. Go ahead and give it a whirl to see! 

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.